It’s a new year and time for some new online casino goals

Online Casino 2024 Goals - MGJ
Mia Avatar

Hello 2024!

Mia’s iGaming Journey is back. I enjoyed my short break and am looking forward to my first online casino experience of the year.

I hope everyone had a great end of December/holiday season and are so far enjoying a good start to the new year. I was lucky to take some time off and spend it with my extended family and friends, something I certainly didn’t do enough of in 2023. In fact, though I’m not one for New Year’s resolutions, I have decided that this year I do want to make the effort to spend more time with the people in my life who matter to me. As most of us know all too well, life really is too short for making assumptions that there will always be a “next time”.

Anyway, personal resolutions aside, I also have a few online casino goals for 2024 that I’d like to share.

Online casino goals for 2024

  • Play at a second online casino – I’m curious to see how a different online casino will compare to the one where I currently play (PlayOJO*). If you have a suggestion on where you think I should play for this comparison, please let me know in the comments!

Goal - Laptop on Desk with Coffee and pen - MGJ

Other gambling-related goals for 2024

  • Add more gambling FAQ-related posts and tips posts to my blog – Since I have more experience with online casinos in Ontario and gambling in general, I’d like to share more FAQ-style posts about gambling topics I find interesting/useful/helpful, as well as share some interesting tips that I’ve personally found valuable when playing. Of course, if there is anything specific you’d like me to write about, I’m all ears! Please let me know in the comments or you can connect with me on social.

Do you have online casino goals for this year?

Is there anything that you are looking forward to trying for the first time at an online casino this year or a new online casino you’re interested in joining? Or is there an online casino game or slot that you’re keen to play?

As for me, I have no idea how many of my own goals I’ll achieve or when I’ll achieve them, but – of course – I’ll be sure to keep you posted about my progress along the way! In any case, I hope that by giving you the scoop on what I plan to accomplish, you’ll have an idea of what to expect from my blog this year.

Until next time, good luck and have fun.

Mia 👩‍💻

*I’m not affiliated with PlayOJO. All links and images in this post are for informational purposes only.

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2 responses to “It’s a new year and time for some new online casino goals”

  1. MicroStaker Avatar

    Hi Mia 🙂
    I wish you enough energy and also GL to achieve your gambling goals. Personally I like the last one most (tips and posts), second is fine-tuning the slot plays.I have kind of a similar plan for this year. As I’m also try to build up a side affiliate business I have also financial goals as well, but I could write about the reasons quite long. First I had to talk with myself if I agree with this kind of business or not. I would suggest you other online casino, but as I work as an affiliate I do not do that.

    But my main goal is to finish my book about gambling habits, dangers and self control methods. This kind of education will bemandatory I think in this worls, where a young gamer generation will grow up playing CSGO Forntite box openings, or card package opening at Fifa. These guys will brought up in gambling…and many people will want to take advantage of this.

    I talk too much. 🙂 So… my goals is to do a re-branding, but I’m nearly finished the new design. 🙂 I need to create longer YouTube videos, and maybe I’ll finish streaming as I can not be so entertaining right now and be interesting beside people who makes huge giveaways. So… continue the content creating and.. AAAND

    …not to be lazy to continue my blog and post sections about advices and tips, tricks. 🙂

    I wish you a great year!

    1. Mia Avatar

      Hi MicroStaker! Thanks for the feedback. 😁 In all honesty, I’m also most interested in creating more tips and fun posts for my blog.

      Your book about gambling habits, dangers and self-control methods sounds like a good one. I completely agree with your opinion about young gamers being exposed to gambling-like features in the games they play and how that could be exploited by others, leading to an increase in problem gambling behaviours among young people that they could carry into adulthood.

      I wish you all the luck with your re-branding goals and other endeavors and look forward to seeing how it all works out!

      Have a great year as well! 😁

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