
My Live Casino Ontario Experience Failed to Launch

Live Casino Fail - Lightning Roulette - MGJ
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I was going to try it but chickened out LOL!

It’s true and rather embarrassing to admit, but I got cold feet when faced with my first live casino experience. In that moment I realized I’m not ready to try it yet.

For whatever reason, I assumed that Lightning Roulette would be an RNG (random number generator)-based game. Apparently, it was created by Evolution Gaming and is only available in a live casino game format.

While that’s not a bad thing, it does present a couple of challenges for me, such as:

  • I can’t truly demo the game before I play it to know if I’ll even like it.
  • I’m required to play it in the live casino, which I haven’t yet experienced.
  • Lightning Roulette – or roulette of any kind – is not the first game I want to play for my first live casino online gaming experience.

Yes, I know I can load the game and watch it play out as a bystander before betting, and I considered doing this. However, I only got as far as entering my screen name before I chickened out, took a screenshot to show I had contemplated it, and shut the game down haha! (I know, lame 😆).

Screenshot of Lightning Roulette - Evolution Gaming - Taken from PlayOJO Ontario - MGJ
Screenshot of Lightning Roulette – Evolution Gaming

Why am I putting off my live casino experience?

Honestly, I don’t feel like I’m putting it off as much as it just doesn’t feel right yet. While I know that a live online casino experience isn’t exactly like other live casino Ontario experiences where you are physically present in a gambling establishment, something about it has me feeling socially unprepared.

At present, I feel uncertain about gambling in the live casino and that’s okay. It’s an entirely new and different experience to regular online casino play and it involves real people (dealer/croupier/host and players) chatting and placing bets in real-time and placing them in a short period of time (because you can’t take all the time in the world to consider your options with live casino games as you can with RNG-based online casino games). 

Although the live casino does sound like an exciting experience, I don’t want to feel pressured – by me or anyone else – to try it. Long story short (waaaay too late 🤣), I’m not going to play Lightning Roulette for now. I’m going to stick to my plan and give my very first live casino Ontario experience a go when I’m ready for it and play the game I want to play.

Until next time, good luck and have fun!

Mia 👩‍💻

*All links and images in this post are for information purposes only.

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