Desktop or Mobile Casino Play? Yes, I do have a Favourite iGaming Platform

iGaming Platform - Laptop and Mobile Phone Slot Game Book of Dead - PNG - Mia's Gaming Journey
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I think one of the best things about playing at online casinos today is that there’s a lot of choice when it comes to choosing the platform where you’d like to enjoy an iGaming experience. Whether it’s desktop, laptop, smartphone, tablet, smart TV (and possibly a smartwatch too…but, that would be one tiny screen!) our options are wide open. 

Multiple iGaming Platforms - Laptop, tablet, mobile

I know that on one hand, some people prefer to play casino games on their computer, and others are mobile all the way. While, on the other hand, some don’t care what platform they use, and others prefer different platforms for different gaming experiences.

As for me, I fall into the first category of preferring one iGaming platform over another. A traditional computer is my preferred choice, and I’ve got my reason reasons for why it’s my go-to device when I play online.

Sorry Mobile, You’re Just Not for Me…

Personally, I’m a laptop player 💻🎰when it comes to online casinos, even though, in truth, I tend to treat my laptop more like a stationary desktop, especially when it comes to online gambling or any video gaming in general. There’s a reason why I do this, which I’ll get into a little later on. 

iGaming - Using Laptop at Desk

I do love my mobile phone 📱❤️ of course. It’s my mini digital companion that is with me nearly all the time (especially since I don’t have a separate home phone). Also, in case you’re wondering, I have tried casino gaming on my phone (it’s an Android), I just don’t find the experience nearly as enjoyable as playing via my computer. There are also reasons for this, which I’ll discuss below.

Why I Prefer my Laptop over Mobile for My Online Casino Experiences

There are several reasons why my laptop (wannabe desktop) is my top choice for playing at an online casino:

  • The screen is bigger – I like a large screen when playing games – both casino and video games. Not only is it waaaay easier on my eyes 🤓, but there’s typically a lot of action going on and I don’t want to miss out on any of it. Plus, I find it far easier (and faster) to use a mouse or keyboard to access and interact with casino games than touching, tapping, or swiping with my fingers on a tiny screen.

    Also, I’ve found that some casino games display better on a computer screen than a mobile phone (I’ve shown the difference in the pic below that I took of the PNG slot Book of Dead, as an example). Larger screens simply have more real-estate and if a game hasn’t be perfectly optimized for your mobile device, it just doesn’t perform as well.
iGaming Platform - Laptop and Mobile Phone Slot Game Book of Dead - PNG - Mia's Gaming Journey
  • It’s more comfortable – I don’t know about you, but when I’m on my mobile phone for any length of time, I have the worst posture! 🙄 Don’t get me wrong, sitting for hours on end at a computer, can also be brutal for my body – no matter how ergonomically-awesome my desk setup and chair are. However, since I limit how long I play at the casino, it’s way more comfortable on my arms, neck, back, and shoulders when I play at my desk and sit in a proper chair.
  • Helps me to stay in control – This is probably the most important reason for me why I prefer a desktop experience to mobile. As convenient and fun/tempting as it might be at times, I never want to “gamble on the go”. For me, risking real money on a game shouldn’t be treated as the same mindless and/or relaxing activity as reading or playing a mobile game like Candy Crush (or my new favourite, Alto’s Odyssey 🏂🏻 😄) when I’m on my commute home or waiting for an appointment. When it comes to risking real money, I want to be focused and have my wits about me.

    This is why I purposely restrict my online casino play time to my laptop, which I make sure never leaves my desk. It ensures that I only ever play in one place. I also only play for a specific amount of time, on certain days, and usually at the same time (I’ll expand more on that in a later blog when I intend to share more about how I stay in control of my real money gaming). Essentially, I know that if I were to play on mobile, it would be easier for me to slack off on the rules I created for myself.
  • I keep my gambling in one place – Sure, you could argue that since I am playing on a laptop, technically I could play wherever I wanted to in my home, and you’d be right. However, I purposely treat my laptop like its a stationary desktop, because I want to enjoy my gaming in one place. I don’t want to take it with me in other spaces of my home (or even outside my home) where I typically do other things, like socialize, eat meals, relax, sleep, etc. I want to keep my casino gaming, video gaming, TV watching, and so on, out of these spaces. My mental and social wellbeing is important to me. Getting a goodnight sleep is important to me too.

    The trouble with mobile, at least for me anyway, is it’s always with me. I don’t want to add one more activity to it that could potentially influence me to be on my phone more than I want to, in places where I’d rather not be glued to it. And, as I said above about staying in control, I don’t want to gamble on the go.

Why Having a Preferred iGaming Platform is Important to Me

I know that not everyone has a preference when it comes to playing at online casinos. However, in my case, I’ve found that by trying both and discovering which one I like better and why, it’s helped me to get the most enjoyment out of my experience. 

A space for iGaming - Office with laptop and mobile

I imagine it can also likely be quite useful in helping to choose an online casino, as I’ve heard that some sites perform better on desktop or mobile or vice versa. Actually, I’ve also heard that there are more web-based games available for both desktop and mobile, compared to what’s available in a mobile casino app. Personally, I’ve never tired a casino app, yet, so I can’t personally comment on that one.🤷‍♀️

Still, even though I feel like I’ll always be a desktop player 9.9 times out of 10, on the whole, I think it’s pretty cool that there is so much versatility when it comes to iGaming and how it can be enjoyed.

Do you have a favourite platform? I’d love to know!

Until next time, have fun and good luck!


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